ARC, Book Reviews, New Adult, New Release, Provided for Review, Rock Star, Romance

REVIEW: Starfish – Lisa Becker

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I have a huge soft spot for rock star romance. Add in a sexy nerd who also happens to be a very talented musician and I’m sold.

The Hero

Brad is one of the sexiest heroes I’ve had the pleasure of reading–he’s sweet, sensitive, passionate, talented, and he’s not afraid to show Marin just how interested he is in her. I love that he isn’t just the “stereotypical rock star” in that he has interests other than music and the band and he also isn’t overly cocky and overbearing. Don’t get me wrong–Brad definitely still has his cocky moments, but nothing like most of the rock stars I’ve read. He’s also a total nerd, which was just … ugh, I loved it. He has an affinity for computers and video games and he’s even working on designing a game of his own. I get not everyone will be all about the nerdy guys, but I was totally swept away <3

The Heroine

Marin was a bit of a frustration for me, even though I completely understood where she’s coming from. Marin is bound and determined not to date anyone she works with due to her own prejudice against those kinds of relationships that she developed growing up. While she actually has a valid reason behind these feelings, the two situations are completely different. It was frustrating how she kept pushing Brad away when it was so clear that there was something between the two of them and knowing it could easily be something great. Also, she tends to run hot and cold with him. One minute, she was all about trying for something more, the next she’d freak. Again, while I get where she’s coming from, it’s still super irritating and made me want to smack some sense into her a few times, lol.

The Story

The story itself was great and gave me some Athena Wright/Crystal Kaswell vibes (if you haven’t read these authors yet, do so immediately!) and I enjoyed watching this friendship turn into something more. There are a couple of characters who are truly despicable and absolutely infuriated me, and there’s one scene where Brad says something so profoundly stupid that I swear I wanted to jump in the pages and shake him, lol. But like any good love story, there has to be some sort of drama that needs to be resolved and Ms. Becker did a fantastic job of writing it!


This was my first read of Lisa Becker’s, but I can guarantee it won’t be my last. Oh, and if you were like me and confused why a rock star book was called Starfish … just wait. You’ll get there. 😉 And then you can be awwwing right along with me! So, if you’re looking for a good rock star romance, look no further 🙂

Happy reading!



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  1. This seems a good read! I’m adding this on my TBR!

    1. Awesome! It was sooo good <3 You'll have to let me know what you think of it! 🙂

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