Title: Queen of Independence Author: Karen Frances Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Date: January 18, 2022 BLURB Most people see Amelia Campbell as a socialite party girl. But beneath the frivolity of her public persona, she is the driving force behind a serious charity fundraising portfolio. Beautiful and intelligent, romance isn’t high on the list as …
BLITZ | Relentless Hunter by Maggie Cole
Title: Relentless Hunter The O’Malley Family Series: Mafia Wars #10 Author: Maggie Cole Genre: Romantic Suspense Release Date: January 1, 2022 BLURB One moment in time changed the course of our lives… For over two decades, I vow to find her. I’m locked up. Full of rage. Obsessed with remembering every detail about her. When …
BLITZ | Deviant Hacker by Maggie Cole
Title: Deviant Hacker The O’Malley Family Series: Mafia Wars #9 Author: Maggie Cole Genre: Romantic Suspense Release Date: December 1, 2021 BLURB A Mafia Underboss Kidnapped Me. The moment Declan O’Malley laid eyes on me the universe shifted. His inked muscles, seductive confidence, and bad boy vibes lured me to him. He’s twice my age. …
NEW RELEASE | North of the Stars by Monica James
North of the Stars Book 1: In Love and War Monica James England is burning. And the cause…men are too afraid to utter in nothing but a whisper. The Northmen. My father is King Eanred. And me? I am Princess Emeline. My father wants to protect our kingdom against the ruthless Vikings who continue to …