Title: Raven Queen, Arise Author: Dave Reed Genre: NA Epic Fantasy Thriller Release Date: October 1, 2021 Justice is dead. Long live Vengeance. Under the banner of truce during the holy Spring Festa, four Chosen priests of the war god brutalized me, cut my throat, and dumped my naked corpse in a mass grave. They …
BLITZ | Something Worth Stealing by Ashlee Rose
Title: Something Worth Stealing Author: Ashlee Rose Genre: Taboo Romance Release Date: November 2, 2021 BLURB If someone would have told me a year ago, I would be here. I would laugh. It’s him. And it’s his son. My heart constricted. My brain screaming. My heart lurching itself out of my chest. He still owns me. …
GUEST POST | Q&A with Leslie Wolfe
Q&A with Leslie Wolfe When the body of a teenage girl is found under the water curtains of the Blackwater River Falls, Detective Kay Sharp is called to the scene. Surrounded by snowy peaks and a forest alive with the colors of fall, the victim floats in the water, a hand-carved locket around her neck. …
BLITZ | Read Between the Stars by Natalie Parker
Title: Read Between the Stars Author: Natalie Parker Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Date: October 14, 2021 BLURB Ben They say love can happen again after loss. I’ve seen it, and I’ve heard of it, yet it still seems like a myth to me. Maybe because I’ve never opened myself to it But now after a …