Title: Raven Queen, Arise Author: Dave Reed Genre: NA Epic Fantasy Thriller Release Date: October 1, 2021 Justice is dead. Long live Vengeance. Under the banner of truce during the holy Spring Festa, four Chosen priests of the war god brutalized me, cut my throat, and dumped my naked corpse in a mass grave. They …
BLITZ | The Splintering Place by Vanessa Kimball
Title: The Splintering Place Author: Venessa Kimball Genre: Psychological Thriller/Horror Release Date: October 18, 2021 Cover Design: Mosaic Dragonfly Productions Welcome to Gideon House. A quintessential Victorian masterpiece, with a presence bold enough to bolster a deeply rooted family dynasty, draw in the curiosities of its legacy, and sustain the darkest secrets brimming within its …