This book was … a little bit difficult for me, to be honest. While I won’t say that it was bad, I will say that I don’t fully understand all the hype surrounding it. Between a hero who spent more time being a jerk for some honestly terrible reasons, a heroine who was painfully naive, …
REVIEW | Ugly Truths by Blake Blessing
I’m extremely sleep deprived and it’s all Blake Blessing‘s fault. Ha. Just kidding 😉 But I did spend a couple nights staying up way too late to read this book. (And before I lose my book blogging cred, I can easily polish off a book in a day, but I don’t always have the …
REVIEW: Ride for Me – V R Baucke
Review VR Baucke is a new author for me, but I can wholeheartedly say I’m now a fan. I adore this author’s writing style and the way she weaves a story that’s both compelling and heartwarming. Ms. Baucke also uses quite a bit of Kiwi slang–some of which I had to look up, lol–and it …
REVIEW: Deadly Deception by JC Valentine
JC freakin’ Valentine, everybody. Slow. Effing. Clap. So, first of all, I wouldn’t necessarily call this a “romance.” I would call it a thriller with romantic elements. That’s just my opinion and I’m honestly splitting hairs, lol. So, don’t let that keep you from reading this book because trust me, it’s an incredibly well-written story. …