A list of my favorite books so far in 2024! Click here to read which ones have made the cut 🙂

alate: having wings
A list of my favorite books so far in 2024! Click here to read which ones have made the cut 🙂
Linda Kage is a new author to me. I’ve heard her name floated around the romance community here and there, but this is the first time I’ve read a book of hers. I have to say, though, that after reading this book, it most definitely will not be my last read by Linda Kage. …
Mini Reviews of books 1 & 2 Touch of Regret I’m a huge fan of Autumn Reed (see my gushing over The Stardust Series, which she wrote with Julia Clarke) and I’m pretty sure I downloaded this book the minute I found out it went live, lol. Of course, I slacked on the reviewing …
This was absolute RomCom gold. I honestly can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard while reading a book. Lou is the most hysterical character I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. The way her brain works and how she words things are hilarious. After Lou’s landlord passes away, his son takes over and …