Title: The Splintering Place Author: Venessa Kimball Genre: Psychological Thriller/Horror Release Date: October 18, 2021 Cover Design: Mosaic Dragonfly Productions Welcome to Gideon House. A quintessential Victorian masterpiece, with a presence bold enough to bolster a deeply rooted family dynasty, draw in the curiosities of its legacy, and sustain the darkest secrets brimming within its …
REVIEW | AUDIOBOOK: You – Caroline Kepnes
*This post was edited on 2/24/2023* When I first read about You, it was when the trailer for the TV show on Lifetime first premiered. Now, I just so happen to be a pretty big fan of Penn Badgley, so I was immediately excited to see he was acting again and knew I wanted to …
RELEASE DAY – Blood and Secrets
BLURB I’m dangerous. Calculated. Bloodthirsty. The perfect motherfucking trifecta of crazy. The name’s Mateo Calvetti, and Brooklyn belongs to me. My reach knows no bounds, and I always get what I want. Including the little gem currently twisting my insides. She’s been promised to me since birth. Nothing anyone says will change that. She will …
REVIEW | The Torment of Rachel Ames by Jeff Gunhus
I should begin by being completely frank: the genre this book falls under is not my preferred genre in the least. While I love thrillers in the movie genre, I tend to gravitate more toward romances in the book genre. Yes, there is an underline of romance in this novella (and yes, I am woman …