Title: Raven Queen, Arise Author: Dave Reed Genre: NA Epic Fantasy Thriller Release Date: October 1, 2021 Justice is dead. Long live Vengeance. Under the banner of truce during the holy Spring Festa, four Chosen priests of the war god brutalized me, cut my throat, and dumped my naked corpse in a mass grave. They …
TOUR | The Seeker’s Core by KM Jenkins
The Seeker’s Core Half Blood Academy Book 1 A Children of Chaos Novel by K.M. Jenkins Genre: YA Academy Fantasy In a universe governed by gods, darkness awakens and demigods are called. Two journeys. Two planets. Lennox walks a path that separates her from her family. But allies along the way bring her to her …
BLITZ | Taken by K.K. Allen
Title: Taken Series: Enchanted Gods Trilogy #3 Author: K.K. Allen Genre: Paranormal/Fantasy Romance Release Date: October 5, 2021 BLURB In the epic conclusion of the Enchanted Gods trilogy, Katrina Summer faces the biggest threat of all…All three books now live! Kat is finally picking up the pieces of her broken heart when all goes awry …
August Wrap-Up and Mini-Reviews
Another wrap-up! Please keep in mind that heat level and ratings are based on my own personal opinion. It’s possible–and totally likely!–that you may disagree with me. Also, I try to include trigger warnings, but I may have missed some, so if you’re concerned, I would encourage you to check out Trigger Warning Database and/or Book Trigger Warnings. …