ARC, Book News, Book Reviews, Masked Men, New Adult, Provided for Review, Romance, Standalone

ARC Review | With This Mask by Vera Black

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He was my academic rival. The only one who could keep up with me at Westcroft University. I hated that rich boy who had everything handed to him on a silver platter, whose father owned the whole town.

But when we’re partnered for a project that stands between us and graduation, we have no choice but to try and play nice. It’s all biting remarks and non-stop sarcasm, but we’re making it work.

Until I accidentally discover Alec Vanderholt’s secret. An anonymous account. Masked thirst traps. And several million followers.

I expected him to make threats, to do anything to make me keep my mouth shut about it. Instead, he makes a proposal. See, I’ve always been a little… controlled when it comes to every aspect of my life. And Alec, well, he wants to see me loosen up. And he’s very anxious to see if he can be the one to unwind me. It comes with an unexpected my own mask, and the thrill of my own anonymity.

But if I’m not careful, this wild arrangement just might turn into something… more.

With This Mask is a low-angst romance centered on exploration and self-discovery. Expect high levels of heat, but pant easy, this is not a dark romance.

Goodreads | StoryGraph | Amazon

arc disclosure:

I received an advanced copy of this book to give my honest review. Everything in this review is written in my own words for no other compensation than the e-copy of this book. For more information on my review policy, click here.

initial thoughts

I was initially drawn to this book by the cover. I normally am not a big fan of the “half-naked man” covers, but between the layout looking as if it’s a screenshot from a video and the face paint, I was immediately intrigued.

main thoughts

I normally try to take notes and/or highlight books I’m reading, but I was so engrossed in this story that it’s like I’d forgotten everything I normally do, lol. I devoured this book! I loved the characters, the story, the university setting, the masked man twist, everything.

Alec comes across as a spoiled brat, but the more you get to know him, the more you realize how deep he really is. He’s also intelligent, doting, insecure but desperate to prove his worth, and when he falls for Salem, he falls hard.

Salem was also a compelling character that I really enjoyed. She was hesitant to explore her feelings for Alec, but she wasn’t annoying or overtly stubborn. I enjoyed reading her narration and thought it was believable and relatable.

I also just want to throw this out there for my fellow fanfic fans, if you’re a Dramione shipper or enjoy reading Dramione fanfic, you need to check out this book. I’m not sure if it was intentional or not, but these characters reminded me a lot of Dramione and I loved it.

bullet points

  • I have no idea if this author is a fan of fanfiction, but this book was so Dramione coded…and I’m not gonna lie, that’s definitely a big part of why I enjoyed it so much.
  • the banter was just *chef’s kiss*
  • this was a perfect much-needed palate cleanser in between some darker reads <3
  • the way this man absolutely adores his woman…even before they realize how deep their feelings for each other are…*swoon*

final thoughts

This was a fantastic, easy read that’s perfect for when you need something that has just the right amount of tension, enough angst to add to the plot but not tear your heart out, and give you plenty of moments to swoon <3 I highly recommend this book!

And as always, if you do end up reading a book I’ve featured on my blog or if you’ve read it already, please come back and share your thoughts with me in the comments!

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