mafia wars series complete graphic

BLITZ | Relentless Hunter by Maggie Cole

Title: Relentless Hunter The O’Malley Family Series: Mafia Wars #10 Author: Maggie Cole Genre: Romantic Suspense Release Date: January 1, 2022 BLURB One moment in time changed the course of our lives… For over two decades, I vow to find her. I’m locked up. Full of rage. Obsessed with remembering every detail about her. When …

brutal protector banner

BLITZ | Brutal Defender by Maggie Cole

Title: Brutal Defender The O’Malley Family Series: Mafia Wars #8 Author: Maggie Cole Genre: Romantic Suspense Release Date: November 1, 2021 BLURB I choose Killian O’Malley out of desperation. My papà gives me an ultimatum with one other option. I’ll do anything not to marry the Italian mafia boss who lives in Italy and is …

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BLITZ | Perfect Sinner by Maggie Cole

Title: Perfect Sinner The O’Malley Family Series: Mafia Wars #7 Author: Maggie Cole Genre: Romantic Suspense Release Date: October 1, 2021 BLURB I’m the mafia princess Nolan O’Malley hates to love. The moment we collide, he wants to destroy me. He should. My blood is that of his arch enemy. I’m unsure if the war …