This book took me by surprise. I was instantly intrigued by the blurb, but sometimes science fiction is a little difficult for me to get into, so I wasn’t sure if I would end up feeling like I had to drag myself through it or if I would enjoy it. Thankfully, it was the latter, …
Resilience – Alicia Rades
I loved the first book in this series and I knew I needed to read the next as soon as it came out, and to my immense excitement, I was able to read an ARC copy *cue crazy dancing* And I have to say, this book certainly does not disappoint. It’s just as good as, …
The Network – E. G. Bateman
If I thought Ms. Bateman couldn’t possibly surprise me more than she had in the first book of this series, I was so, so wrong. I felt like I was on Space Mountain at Disney, where everything is mostly dark and you aren’t sure which way the coaster is going to go, and you’re somehow …
‘Ink It Over – Rachel Rawlings
This was an incredibly unique reading experience. I’m a huge sucker for just about anything paranormal, but when I saw that the heroine is a tattoo artist, I was even more interested. Also, if I’m being honest here, I was incredibly intrigued by the cover. The romance community has some awesome cover artists and this …