Title: Perfect Sinner The O’Malley Family Series: Mafia Wars #7 Author: Maggie Cole Genre: Romantic Suspense Release Date: October 1, 2021 BLURB I’m the mafia princess Nolan O’Malley hates to love. The moment we collide, he wants to destroy me. He should. My blood is that of his arch enemy. I’m unsure if the war …
BLITZ | The Hacker by Renee Rose
Title: The Hacker Series: Chicago Bratva #5 Author: Renee Rose Genre: Mafia/Bratva Romance Release Date: September 28, 2021 BLURB SHE BETRAYED MY FAMILY—I WILL MAKE HER PAY. The sweet redhead in our building isn’t as innocent as we thought. She brought a Fed into our circle. Got my twin brother shot. Now she will pay. …
COVER REVEAL | The Den of Sin by Eva Winners
Title: The Den of Sin Author: Eva Winners Genre: Russian Mafia Halloween Romance Cover Design: EVE Graphic Design Release Date: October 29, 2021 BLURB Vasili Nikolaev. Dangerous. Deadly. And most of all, devastating. He’s the king of New Orleans. Ruler of the Russian mafia and my best friend’s oldest, mouthwatering brother. On Halloween night my last …
REVIEW | Bloody Princess by Helen Scott & Zoey Shelby
Bloody Princess Trigger warnings: mentions of sexual and physical abuse; death; torture; revenge plan (for more, please check out Trigger Warnings)Heat level: 🌶Rating: 4.5 Goodreads | Amazon Intro This book was such an entertaining read. With that being said, however, it was not what I would consider a “light read” by any means. It was …