Life Update/Where I’ve Been

I feel like every recent update I’ve made has something to do with my mental health/challenges I’ve been facing. Unfortunately…that’s just my life right now. So, if you feel like reading another update regarding my most recent challenges, here it is. If not, check out the tl;dr down below or feel free to wait until …

Technological error

So, I know I’ve spoken before about not being very technologically advanced. Welp, today’s mishap pretty much takes the cake. Upon trying to get my blog ready for my “normal” content again, I decided to delete all my old drafts, clear up some cache; you know, normal maintenance things. Well, instead of selecting “drafts,” I …

Happy new year! / Apologies

New year Happy New Year, friends! I hope everyone’s holidays were peaceful and filled with joy and love. I’m not sure how everyone else felt, but for me, last year flew by. I can’t believe it’s 2023 already! Apologies So … it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. (I haven’t written a full post …

June Wrap-Up & Mini-Reviews

(As always — Please keep in mind that heat level and ratings are based on my own personal opinion. It’s possible–and totally likely!–that you may disagree with me. Also, I try to include trigger warnings, but I may have missed some, so if you’re concerned, I would encourage you to check out Trigger Warning Database and/or Book Trigger …